Start by taking in the Mount of Olives. This Biblical site provides excellent panoramic views of the entire city of Jerusalem. Its a breathtaking site and one that is not to be missed. After the Mount of Olives, there is still time to take an official or casual walking tour of the city itself. As you wander through Jerusalem, you will find ancient Roman roads, Christian and Jewish living areas, and the famous Wailing Wall. This is the one thing any visitor to Jerusalem absolutely must see. It is also known as the Western Wall and is the last remaining structure of the second temple of Jerusalem that was largely destroyed by the Romans in the first century A.D.
Thousands of Jewish people go there to worship every day. These worshippers write notes to God and put them between the old stones of the wall because they believe the spirit of God is present there. This is because when the temple was whole 2,000 years ago, it contained an inner sanctum called the Holy of Holies where only priests were allowed to enter. God was said to live within the Holy of Holies, and the site of that area of the temple is still on site at the Wailing Wall, though no one knows its exact location.
After leaving the Wailing Wall, you can walk the Via Dolorosa. This is said to be the route Jesus walked on his way to be crucified, carrying the cross on his back. No one knows for sure if this is the actual route, but the belief that it is is a strong one among many Christians. At the end of the Via Dolorosa route is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. This is one of the most revered and holy places in the Christian religion because it is believed to be the site of the crucifixion of Jesus and the location of his rock tomb. Pilgrims come from all over the world to worship at this church.
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